Femme in Three Parts [new tab] [popup] NEW From the Femme Coming Out Zine - click on the cover below to get more info or buy it.
Vanifesto!! [coming!]
You put "van" in front of most words and they get better - you put a van in front of me and I get happier. From my forthcoming Vanzine.
Published Works
[Homofactus, 2009]
Without a Net
[Seal, 2003]
Geeks Misfits and Outlaws
[McGilligan, 2004]
Vanzine [coming!]
Femme...Coming Out
Poly: A Contact Sport
$pread Magazine
[sic] Magazine
Bad Subjects Journal
The Gargolye,
Ask An American column
*Things That People Make interview, 2009
*FemmeCast - Episode 2 2008
, 2007
Trisha: A Lexicography [new tab] [popup] NEW
The family history of my favorite made-up inspirational girlfriend.
Dirty Reiki [new tab] [popup] NEW
Maybe some non-touch healing would be good for me?
Borders: Dream On [new tab] [popup]
Who gets through and why.
Waiting [new tab] [popup]
It's almost time. But not yet.
Unicorns=Dick Theory [new tab] [popup]
Sit on this, Freud.
Connectionist Manifesto [new tab] [popup]
Polymorphic anti-heirarchical hypertextualists unite!
Scar [new tab] [popup] NEW
Pull the skin / The briefest manifestation of envy for its flexibility
Eulogy [new tab] [popup]
For all the women who have been lost, for the crime of being female and shameless.
Can't Stop in America [new tab] [popup]
About learning to drink outside the USA...and then coming back.
Occupy Yourself [new tab] [popup]
Ever been bored at work?
Your Girlfriend, Jack Daniels and 3am [new tab] [popup]
Please, we have all been there. With your girlfriend.